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All Branding and Identity January 28, 2024

Rebranding Your Business in a Changing Landscape.

Writen by Aslam

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Wide Wings Media: Rebranding and Media Solutions

In the current market landscape, numerous businesses are undergoing significant transformations. These changes, however, extend beyond internal shifts; it’s evident that global and societal shifts necessitate a reconsideration of branding strategies. To guide your business through this process successfully, let’s explore a step-by-step approach.

The initial misconception many people have about branding is that it begins and ends with a logo. A brand encompasses tangible and intangible elements, requiring continual efforts. While the visual aspect is crucial, branding also involves defining the personality, voice, and vibe of a brand.

Rebranding Guide: 6 Steps

Understanding when a business should rebrand is essential, given the substantial resources involved. Some key indicators include the brand’s failure to stand out among competitors, shifts in the target audience or their needs, changes in the cultural landscape, alterations in business offerings or direction, and instances where the current branding isn’t yielding desired results. Additionally, a PR crisis resulting in damaged perceptions can also warrant rebranding.


Branding Audit

To grasp existing perceptions, conduct a thorough assessment by directly engaging with your audience. For new brands, starting from scratch provides a beneficial foundation. Evaluate competitors and your position in the market, focusing on critical questions about brand associations, willingness to recommend, and emotional impact.

Rebranding doesn’t always require a complete overhaul; a brand audit may reveal that specific elements need refreshing, such as packaging or color schemes.

In some cases, a complete rebrand is necessary. Begin with a clean slate, considering what you want your brand to represent. This foundational step is crucial for success and aligns with consumer psychology.

Devising the Rebranding Strategy

Create a personality profile for your business, facilitating the definition of your brand as a persona, similar to how your target audience perceives it. Use models like Myers-Briggs to identify your brand’s inclination towards extroversion or introversion, intuition or sensing, feeling or thinking, and judging or perceiving. Once the brand’s core identity is understood, transform it into a visual representation.

Putting It All Together

Compile the details into a comprehensive document, often referred to as your branding toolkit. This document should include key messaging, explanations for decisions and strategies, and specifics like color schemes, fonts, graphics, and core values.

Create the Visuals

Focus on the visual elements, including the creation and application of the logo across various materials. Plan the branding relaunch with a content creation and branded video strategy.

Sharing the Brand

Share developed materials to create brand awareness through consistent visibility. Monitor feedback and perceptions post-launch to evaluate rebranding performance.

Building a brand takes time; be patient and intentional. Avoid frequent identity changes, but also be responsive to feedback and willing to adjust if necessary.

Working on the Intangible Aspects

Consider the intangible elements beyond physical promotion, such as customer service. Consistency is crucial, and every business move contributes to the brand’s reputation. Focus on a PR strategy to address crises effectively.

Branding Wrap Up

These six steps provide a comprehensive guide from planning to post-launch reviews for successful rebranding efforts. If your business is considering a rebrand, schedule a call with us at Wide Wings Media to discuss your brand vision and how our digital marketing agency can bring it to life.

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